Dear Victoria Regina,
So here it goes mom, you’ve put me in a terrible position but I will attempt to reveal what needs to happen to save the monarchy since you won’t go home. First off, I don’t believe George signed England into effect, that was done by party pressure based on George’s movies. Next, George “fell out of favor” with the party and they decided to give him a task he would never normally do to earn back their trust (I believe it was a unanimous party decision); George was asked to work in investigations. By doing so George would have lost his career in film, and that would have hurt him dearly, so he rejected the idea. It was later realized that George could never work investigations because he was unqualified for the role, and the investigations he conducted would have been compromised. Because the act of George’s work as an investigator is being treated as a sign from god, all George has to do is go to the department and ask for his desk; If they give him one then they have broken the law, if George overhears information pertaining to an open case while at the office they have broken the law and if any work is presented to him while he is there (without credentials) they have broken the law. So, I say unto thee brother, ask and ye shall receive! Then don’t forget to pick me up.
His Majesty King James Douglas Edward of Britain